Thursday, December 3, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

He calls himself beat of an applied unceasing (in housing matter) force to a touchable saucer during the quantity of time Dt, the defined vectorial greatness for:

I = F.Dt

He calls himself turn of movement of a touchable saucer of mass snappy m of speed v, the vectorial greatness spoken for:

Q = m.v

Theorem of the Pulse
\"THE destined beat for the resulting from every the outside forces that act during destined quantity of time on a touchable saucer are aforementioned to the increment of the turn of movement of the saucer during the aforementioned interval.\"

I (Dt) = DQ..... F (t2 - t1) = m (v2 - v1)

Theorem of the conservation of the turn of movement
It is \"constant the turn of movement of a assemble of touchable points that you/they constitute an isolated system.\"

DQ = 0 or Qtotal = constant

Particles initially in rest (grandma = 0) - \"the beat of an outside force is aforementioned to the turn of movement acquired in the quantity of considered\" time.

I = F. Dt = m.v7.2. b. Particles in M.R.U. (vfinal = vinicial) -

I = F. Dt = 0 F = 0 Q = constant7.3 turn of movement of a system of points -

Qtotal = m.v1 + m.v2 +... + m.vn7.4 turn of movement of a body in translação -

Qtotal = v (m1 + m2 +... + mn) = v. S mi = Mtotal.v7.5 units -

C.G.S. == > din.s; M.kgf.S == > kgf.s; S.I.U. == > N.s; M.T.S. == > sth.s

Phenomena that find explanation in the theorem of the turn of movement -
a) it collides mechanical
b) I move back from the firearms
c) explosion of a bomb (fragments )
d) plane propulsion.

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